The Faith Launch: We walk by faith, not by sight


My favorite ride at Disney World is Space Mountain. I love all of the twists and turns and the fact that it’s unpredictable, you can’t see what’s coming. Each time I go on the ride, I can’t help but think about the fact that it is a lot like our faith in Christ. We have to trust Him and know that although we cannot see what’s coming around the corner, He can. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says: “For we live by faith, not by sight.” If you have ever rode Space Mountain, you know exactly what it’s like: There is a bar that holds you in nice and firm in the rocket while you ride and you hold on to that safety bar. Think of the safety bar as the hand of God with us as we walk by faith. No matter what twists or turns lie ahead, we are secure in His divine grip, He will never let us go. Next, the inky, black darkness of Space Mountain is similar to walking by faith in that we don’t walk by sight. Although we can’t see, we can still trust that God has a plan and a purpose and will see us through life’s uncertainties. Next, the speed of Space Mountain. It is a fast coaster similar to how quickly a trial can come upon us, seemingly out of nowhere. Life happens fast, but when we are holding on that safety bar (the Lord’s divine hand), He never lets us go. I have been riding Space Mountain since I was a kid, and when I was little my dad would ride it with me. He would always ride behind me so he could keep a watchful eye on me and in the event that I got scared which at times I did, he would place both of his hands on my shoulders and that served as a soothing reminder that my father was with me. Space Mountain was fast with many twists and turns, but he never let me go, he was always there.

In the same way, as we ride the roller coaster called life every single day, we will encounter twists and turns that we don’t see coming and like Space Mountain life can seem rather dark at times, hard to see, inky, black, foreboding. Our heavenly Father is with us however, and He does not plan on letting us go anytime soon. So, will you be strong and courageous for God and walk by faith in Him, even when you can’t see? I urge you to do so! You’ll be glad you did. Step out of your comfort zone, into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is, holding out His hand and asking you to trust Him. Christian, your Commander in Chief has cleared you for launch, now jump in that rocket of life, hold on tight, and blast off for the Faith Launch!

#walkbyfaithnotbysight #morningswithmitch #spacemountain #thefaithlaunch


Thy will be done


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