Our Risen Savior!


Forever our Lord is glorified! Forever He is lifted high! I hope that you all had a blessed Easter. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again on the third day. He is alive! I wonder, how often do we really think about the significance of that glorious truth? The fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again and that He has made a way for us to know Him should grip our hearts and stir up our souls in such a way that we are always in the habit of celebrating His glorious resurrection. I challenge and encourage you as I seek to challenge and encourage myself to not just celebrate the reason for Easter only when Easter comes around but to always be in the habit of celebrating His glorious resurrection. If we are not careful, we can start to take for granted why we celebrate Easter and it becomes just a going through the motions kind of thing year after year. May that never be the case! May our hearts always be captivated and in wonder of what the God of the universe did by sending His one and only begotten Son. What a wonderful, matchless, glorious Savior we serve!

The Bible says in Matthew 28:6:

“He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.”

The grave could not hold Him. Death could not defeat Him. His perfect love could not be overcome! If you are reading this and you are a Christian, I challenge and encourage you to not just celebrate Easter only once a year when it comes around but to celebrate Easter by way of thanking God and rejoicing in what He has done each and every day. Every day should be happy resurrection day! What I am getting at is that we should never take for granted what our Savior has done for us. If you are reading this and you are not a Christian, I want you to know that God loves you and sent His one and only Son to die a horrible death on a cross and rise again three days later so that you might come to know Him in a personal way. The Bible says to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. If you confess with your moth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved as the Bible says in Romans 10:9. Jesus loves you! Have a blessed day my friends.


He holds the future


The Battle for the Truth