What is your attitude about prayer?


Yes, you heard me right. How do you treat prayer? What is your attitude about prayer? Is it just something you do when the chips are down and everything is not going as you want it to go? Do you only pray because everybody else is doing it so you might as well too? Will you choose to pray because the president declared today a national day of prayer or because you really want to? What Iā€™m getting at folks is that we should want to pray. We should want to come before our heavenly Father each day with an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness in our hearts for who He is and all that He has done. I challenge you as I must challenge myself to always make prayer a priority and to recognize the value and benefits of prayer. Now, it is not simply just why we are praying, but to who we are praying.

We are to pray to the God of heaven and earth! We are to pray to the only One who is worthy of receiving and hearing our prayers and that is God. Listen my dear friends: Who you pray to, is just as important as why you pray. For example: I could be very consistent to pray each day, but who am I praying to? Prayer matters! Prayer is vital! Christian, prayer should be as natural as breathing. Pray without ceasing! If you will choose today to have an attitude of gratitude and pray without ceasing to our God, then include in your reply to this post: #attitudeofgratitude #prayerwarrior #morningswithmitch I look forward to hearing from you all and have a blessed day!


He who has no rival


Sharpen Your Swords!