He who has no rival


The God of the Universe has no rival. He is King of Kings and He is Lord of Lords. Think about that: Who is like the Lord our God? We serve a risen, glorious Savior who has made it possible for us to know Him in a personal way and that is through receiving His Son Jesus Christ. Consider the lyrics of this powerful song by Hillsong Worship:

“You have no rival, You have no equal, Now and forever, Our God reigns. Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the Glory, Yours is the Name above all names. “

What a powerful name it is indeed! The name of Jesus Christ our King! He, who made the heavens and the earth. He, who made the sun stand still. He, who parted the Red Sea. He, who is with you always and is BIG enough and STRONG enough to handle anything that comes your way. This morning, as you begin a new week, maybe there is a Goliath that stands before you that is intimidating you. Whatever your “Goliath” is that you feel powerless against, you just remember that your “Goliath” does not rival your God!! Do you hear me?! Yes, I’m speaking to you and I’m referring to your “Goliath”. It is not greater or stronger than our God. Jesus Christ is greater! Jesus Christ is stronger! As you wake up this morning and start your day and week, you just remember who your God is and be reminded that there is nothing and no one that can stand against Him.

Jesus Christ is He who has no rival! If you believe that Jesus Christ can slay any “Goliath” in your life, because He can, reply back with an amen and hashtag: #slayingthegoliaths #norival #morningswithmitch I love you all and have a blessed week!


Will you still praise Him?


What is your attitude about prayer?