Patient in the Storm


We have found ourselves in a difficult storm of life right now. The storm that I am referring to is none other than the Covid-19 storm. It is a very strong storm that is accompanied by gusts of anxiety and strong billowing winds of doubt and discouragement. You begin to wonder to yourself if we are ever going to get to the other side of this storm. The good news is, we will!

God will see us through this horrendous storm that is Covid-19. During this time, it can be hard to be patient. We wake up every day to the same reality again and again and it seems each passing day is very similar to the last with seemingly no change. However, through depending on the strength that God provides and keeping our eyes fixed on Him, we can and will get through this. It is easier said than done though right? I’m right there with you, it is not easy.

We must do our best each day to be patient and know that God will bring us through. These days in particular can be hard and incredibly stressful and when we are worried or exhausted, finding patience is most likely the last thing on our minds. Hang in there though and know that the Lord will see you through.

The Bible says in Romans 12:12:

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

Stay strong my friends. This too shall pass. Have a blessed day!


Sharpen Your Swords


He holds the future