Be thankful


1 Chronicles 16: 34 tells us:

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!”

No matter what is going on in life we are to give thanks to the Lord. This is not optional, but it is a command from scripture. Let’s face it., that is easier said than done sometimes. It is easy to get focused on the things that cause us to not be thankful such as potentially becoming infected with the corona virus. We see example after example in scripture of people who gave thanks to God in spite of their difficult circumstances. We are to look to their examples as ones that we should emulate in our own lives. It can be easy to become bitter when our focus is not on the Lord. When we stop and think about the goodness and the love of God this should cause us to overflow with thankfulness.

I challenge and encourage you to live with a thankful heart each and every day. It has been said that you will always find yourself in one of three scenarios:

  1. You are going into a storm

  2. You just came out of a storm

  3. You are in a storm

No matter where you find yourself you can be thankful for God’s amazing grace. Circumstances in life can change minute by minute and day by day. But what will never change is God’s goodness and His steadfast love. That is why David in verse 34 could still give thanks to the Lord even though He was faced with much opposition. So, what about you? Will you live with a thankful heart today? We all have that choice to make. Today you can choose to be thankful. I hope you have a blessed day. Know that I love you and I am praying for you. God bless!

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