What are you chasing after?


What are you in hot pursuit of? What gets you up in the morning? What is the driving force behind what you do and why you do it? What is your purpose in life? What are you after?

For the apostle Paul, his purpose in life was clear:

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)

What was Paul chasing after? What was his main goal in life? It was to live for Jesus Christ every single day. That was Paul’s main objective. Is that true for you too?

Can you say that each and every day the main goal for you is to live for Jesus? There is so much temptation, especially in the day and age that we live in, to be concerned with and to pursue everything else under the sun except for pursuing God. We get caught up in the vicious, tiring, rat race of being as monetarily successful as we can be, having the nicest car, the most beautiful wife, the most handsome husband, the white picket fence with the immaculate two-story American dream home.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with being highly successful in your job or having the white picket fence with the two-story home. However, what about when these desires supersede or override our desire to live for the Lord? Living for the Lord is to be our main purpose in life above and beyond all the other things in our lives. Living for the Lord means that each and every day we are desiring to follow His will, do His kingdom work, be about His business. I challenge and encourage you to wake up each day with the same question always in the forefront of your mind and that is:

What can I do to make an impact for Jesus today? Living for the Lord is not easy. It is much easier to live for ourselves and be about our own agenda. God wants us to be about His business. He wants us to do His will. May we do so each and every day.

Live for Jesus today and every day! Chase after the Son! Have a blessed day.


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Who is Jesus?