Mornings with Mitch

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The Invisible Enemy

President Trump in his last press briefing statement referred to the corona virus as the invisible enemy, and he is absolutely right. However, there is another invisible enemy who is far worse than the corona virus and he too has a name. His name is Satan, and he is the great adversary of God and the enemy of you and I. Satan hates you and wants to steal, kill, and destroy you. Consider what Peter said in 1 Peter 5:8 when he spoke about our enemy, the devil.;

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

He then goes on to say resist him, standing firm in the faith. That is exactly what we are to do, resist him and stand firm in the faith. He is the invisible enemy and he is behind all the chaos and calamity that we are witnessing in the world today. The reality is, he is not an enemy that can be combated by washing your hands or wearing a mask, for he wants your soul. How can you guard your soul from him you ask? Here is the holy, divine anecdote: Receive the free gift of eternal life found in Jesus Christ alone if you have not done so already! That is only the first step.

We are to also daily resist him by obeying God’s Word, staying powered up in prayer, and confessing and repenting of our sins daily. Stay alert Christian! Be of sober mind. Stay in the fight and do not give the devil a foothold. Remember this: Satan loves a golden opportunity. Like a shark when he smells blood, Satan feeds off your fear, your anxiety. Do you feel irritable? Are you stressed? Be careful to go before the Lord and seek His strength to get through this difficult time because Satan feeds off of stress and irritability. Stay encouraged! Don’t lose heart! Have a blessed day and keep your guard up. God bless!

#theinvisibleenemy #resistthedevil #morningswithmitch