The God of the Storm
You’ve been there and so have I. Those head-scratching moments when life does not make sense. When the world around us seems to be spinning out of control and there is not a thing you or I can do to change it. The storms of life have descended upon us, seemingly out of nowhere. You find yourself powerless to change the present circumstances around you. You feel hopeless. You lose heart. You listen to that still, small voice saying: “Just give up, God does not love you and He obviously does not care.”
Folks, that is a lie straight from the pit of Hell! God does care and when we find ourselves reaching that breaking point where we just want to give up, we need to remember that God loves us and has a plan and a purpose for everything. You see, Satan wants to use hardships and trials to break us, but God uses hardships and trials to build us. He is in the business of conforming us more and more into the image of His one and only Son Jesus. Trials are always going to do one of two things: Build us or break us. It is always one or the other. There will be plenty of times when life does not make sense, but we can trust the One who is in control of our lives and that is God.
The Bible says in Genesis 50:20:
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. “
Satan, our enemy, wants to cause us harm through the difficult circumstances of our lives, but God uses hard times for our good, to bring about His glorious greater purpose in it. What a Savior we serve! Although hardships in life are not pleasant to go through, you can rest assured that your heavenly Father will never leave you or forsake you and that He is using the trying times to bring about His greater purpose. Trust in Him and keep on keeping on for Him! Have a blessed day everyone and remember that He is God even in the storm. God bless!