The God of new beginnings


Isaiah 42:9 says:

“See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being, I announce them to you.”

God is the God of new beginnings. Seasons come and seasons go and with each passing season of life, He remains the same and that is the truth that we are to take comfort in whenever we enter into new seasons of life that can be scary. New seasons of life are accompanied by new, fresh opportunities to serve the Lord and do His will. I challenge and encourage you to embrace the new things that the Lord declares. It has been said that the only constant in time is change but know that with that change there are two things that will never change and that is God and His eternal, holy Word.

There will be some changes that take place that we like, and others that we do not like. Either way, we are to always keep looking to the Lord and trusting Him no matter what. He has a plan and a purpose for everything, for every new thing. It is very hard to move forward when we are looking back. We get caught up in the way things used to be. We get so focused on “the good old days” instead of giving the new seasons of life a chance and embracing what God has in store for us in the here and in the now.

Enjoy and embrace the new things the Lord has declared. It is okay to remember the past and to learn from it and even reminisce about it from time to time, but we are not to live in it. Have a blessed day everybody! Love you guys.


Our Great Provider


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