Mornings with Mitch

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The God of all hope

The year was 2008 and the place was Jacksonville International Airport where I distinctly remember God speaking to me in such a mighty, powerful way. I was waiting with my mom and dad for my grandmother to arrive who was coming to visit us. Although I was very excited to see my grandmother, I remember feeling down. The year before I had to say goodbye to my high school sweetheart who moved away to the Philippines. It was at that airport in Jacksonville that I waved a tearful goodbye to her. That day was one of the hardest days of my life. A year later, it was hard to return to that same airport in the same area where we said goodbye. I wondered if I would ever meet the right girl. It was when I was sitting there, feeling down, that God spoke to me so clearly. There was this person directly across from us who was drinking some coffee, and, on the coffee, cup was the word hope.

In that instant, God spoke so clearly to me and reminded me that He is the God of all hope and that I should not be discouraged. Little did I know that ten years later I would meet the love of my life who is now my wife, Ashley. I did not know at the time what God had planned, and how He was really paving the way for me to one day meet the one I was meant to marry. God knows better than we do. He gave me hope. He can do the same for you. Is there something that has you down and discouraged? Trust in the God of all hope.

Romans 15:13 says:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

On that day in the airport, God used a little coffee cup to get my attention in a big way. He can do the same for you! Trust and rely on Him. In times like these, when hope is so desperately needed, we turn to the God of all hope who is more than able to provide that hope and encouragement that we need even in the darkest of times.

Have a blessed day!