Mornings with Mitch

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Seek His face always

At times like this, we seek the Lord and hope and pray that He will heal our land. We ask Him to intervene in times of calamity and chaos. God has been so faithful and so good and I know that as a nation we will get through this, however, what about when it is over? Will we still seek God as a nation and seek His face, or do we only come to Him in the midst of a crisis? The Bible says in Psalm 105:4- “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” Does it say to only seek the Lord when times are bad or when we are in need of something? No. We are to always seek His face. In the up’s and downs, in the mountains and in the valleys, we are to continually seek His face. To seek His face means to desire His wisdom and to want to know His ways. It means each and every day we are desiring to be in His Word and desiring to follow His way for our lives. God desires for us to always be in the habit of looking to Him and spending time in His Word. As Christians we are called to lead others to the Savior and reflect His goodness and love to all. Continue to dig into His holy Word. Continue to stay powered up in prayer. Continue to share the Gospel. He loves you. He died for you. Live for Him. Seek His face. Have a blessed day everyone and God bless!

#morningswithmitch #seekHisfacealways