No complaining just committing

Let’s face it. It’s easy to complain. Before we know it, we start to complain about everything under the sun. We complain that it’s too hot. We complain that it’s too cold. If only we had more money, then we would be happier and not complain or if we lived someplace else or if this crazy virus didn’t have to keep us indoors and socially isolated… the list goes on and on, right? We need to stop complaining and stop right now! When was the last time that you counted your blessings instead of complaining? When was the last time you were thankful for having a job you hate instead of no job? Or, how about this one? I know it will hit close to home… the fact that you’re reading this, and you might be one of the few who have not been infected by Covid-19, now that’s something to be thankful for! Instead of sitting around like bumps on a log and complaining about everything, how about instead we choose to commit. Commit to what you ask?

Commit to living for the Lord each day to the best of our ability instead of finding things to complain about. Let me ask you a question: Is complaining going to do any good? I mean really, be honest. Does complaining about the situation do anything to improve or better the situation?  Absolutely not! So, how about instead we turn our frowns upside down and quit complaining and live for the Lord! You can do it and I can do it. I want you to join me in the no complaining challenge. See how long you can go without a single complaint. You will be amazed at how it will transform your frame of mind and response to things. The time that you and I waste on complaining, is time that could be used to the glory of God.

The Bible says in Philippians 2:14-16:

“Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.”

Christian, stop your complaining and get to committing! Live for the Lord every day and when you feel tempted to complain, turn away from that temptation and praise Him for who He is and all that He has done. I love you all big time and God loves you! Have a blessed day. Keep the faith!

#morningswithmitch #nocomplaining #committingnotcomplaining


Have you been born again?


Having a heart of gratitude