Mornings with Mitch

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Giving God Our Very Best

The Bible says in Colossians 3:23- “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.’”

Are you giving God your very best in everything that you do? We live in a time where mediocrity is celebrated. It’s perfectly okay to not put a full effort into something, or to be slack in getting things done in a timely fashion. If we are not careful, we become comfortable with only giving 50% if that much into what we do. God expects us to give our very best at whatever we do, no matter what it is. Tell me something, does He not deserve our best? We are talking about the Creator of the Universe here, the Savior of the world! How can we possibly not give Him our very best? There is just no excuse because we are commanded to work at everything with all our hearts as working for the Lord. You might work somewhere where it is not fun to work, or you might have a disgruntled client or manager that gets under your skin. Listen to me my friend, do not let that stop you from giving your very best for the Lord. He is worthy of your best!

No matter what you do, whether it is mowing the lawn, cleaning out the gutters, cleaning the house, taking the dog for a walk, washing your car, paying the bills, it does not matter what we are doing as long as we are doing it with all our hearts as unto the Lord. I encourage and challenge you to give God your very best each and every day. He does not want your leftovers. He wants your best. Give Him your best. Have a blessed day my friends and God bless!

#morningswithmitch #Hedeservesourbest #noleftoversforme