Do you thirst for His Word?
If you went even one day without spending time in God’s Word, would you find yourself thirsting spiritually? We live in a day and time where we are so connected to our mobile devices that we cannot go a day without being on our phones. Is the same true when it comes to the Word of God? Do you thirst for His Word so much that if you went even just one day without studying it, it would bother you so much?
We are to hunger for His Word. We are to thirst for His Word. His Word is to saturate our minds and hearts. Woe to me if I am not making time to be in the Bible and dig into His holy Word for it is daily bread and living water.
We are to want to spend time in His Word. We are to desire God and what He has to say to us in His Word.
Psalm 119: 97 says:
“Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.”
In order to come to the place where you find yourself like the Psalmist declaring your love for God’s law, you must spend time meditating on His law, His Word. I challenge and encourage you to make time each day to spend in His holy Word. His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Dig into His Word and behold wonderful treasures to discover. There is no other book like the Bible.
Love you guys. Have a blessed day!