Mornings with Mitch

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Be still and know

We live in such a hectic, fast-paced world today. Now more than ever, we have never been more “on the go”. We rush from one place to the next, we are always in a hurry trying to accomplish the task list for the day. While it can be healthy and a good thing to be busy and active, the other side of that is that sometimes if we are not careful we can become so busy that we do not take the time to just be still and know that He is God. In fact, while we are on the subject, let me just ask you: When was the last time that you just took a timeout and sat still in the presence of God? Let me be clear. I’m not talking about being still while you sleep or being still while you enjoy your favorite television show. I’m talking about hitting the pause button on life for a minute and just being still in the presence of the Lord. Nothing else going on. It is just you and the Lord.

Now is the perfect opportunity while we deal with this corona virus to unplug from our devices, our busy lives, and just take some time to be still in His presence. Yes, it is not easy. Yes, it will take self-control to just stop and be still. I promise you though it is worth it. The Bible says in Psalm 46:10:

“He says, be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Be still in His presence and know that He is in control. He loves you so much and is always with you. Have a wonderful day and remember that no matter what happens in any given day, your heavenly Father loves you deeply. God bless!

#morningswithmitch #bestillandknow #rest #unplug #hitthepausebutton