Mornings with Mitch

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Are you willing to be inconvenienced for Christ?

We love convenient. We love easy. We love simple. That’s just the truth. Although we read in Scripture that anyone who desires to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, still we can find ourselves clinging to what is convenient instead of walking by faith in our God. So, here is my question for you: Are you willing to be inconvenienced for Christ? Are you willing to follow your Savior even if it sometimes means stepping way out of your comfort zone? Right now, we are facing inconveniences due to this corona virus and if we are not careful we will be tempted to complain, moan, gripe, and whine just like Israel did when being led through the wilderness by Moses. Listen, what if God wants to teach you and I something through this season of inconveniences? We can’t go out to eat like we want to, we can’t go to sporting events, we can’t do things that we are used to doing so what will our response then be? Will we lash out at God, or are we willing to learn and lean and trust Him.? The apostle Paul understood what it meant to be inconvenienced for the Lord.

Consider what He says in Philippians 4:11-12:

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. “

So, which will you choose? Will you choose to be inconvenienced for your Lord even when it’s hard for the sake of growing in Him, or will you not? The choice is yours. May we not follow Christ only when it is convenient for us, but may we follow Him ALWAYS, no matter what! If you are willing to be inconvenienced for Christ, then reply back to this post with an amen, whatever your thoughts are about the post, and the hashtags #willingtobeinconvenienced #morningswithmitch I love you all. Have a great Thursday!